And, Generous Estate Giving.

Walter Howell is committed to enabling boundless possibilities for his four children (Edan ’94, Trent ’96, Casey ‘98, Bethany ’01), and his two grandchildren (Jackson ’24, Emmett ’26). He also believes in the importance of developing hearts & minds of future TCS students. Trinity College School helped foster so much that has enriched (and will enrich) the lives of his family. Similarly, he wants to ensure that The School can continue to instill those values in its graduates. That’s why he’s reflected both in his estate plans.
What will your legacy be?
Estate Giving Goals
At 70, I can see pretty clearly my major influencers. On that list is TCS – a place that’s easy to forget when you’re 51 years gone from it. The school often talks about guiding students through their formative years. Well, it certainly shaped me in ways that I only now fully appreciate. As they often say: “A good part of you is still there.” I totally agree, that’s why I’m leaving some of my estate to the place that was so important in making me what I am today.
– Bob Ramsay ’68
I learned all of life’s important lessons at TCS. The fundamental things that still hold true for me half a century later: be generous of spirit; take responsibility for your own success and shortcomings; and, together we are better. I am leaving a portion of my estate to TCS so that others can learn the same lessons after I am gone. Beati Mundo Corde.
– Rob Wilson Rogers ’71